Managing Director, HR & Shared Services

Brooke McKie

Professional Profile

Brooke is the Managing Director of Human Resources and Shared Services at WG Consulting. She has experience within the functions of Human Resources, Marketing, Information Technology and Office Management as well as over 5 years of direct client experience as a consultant within Process Improvement & Technology. Her task oriented and resourceful nature has allowed her to excel in many areas as well as identify improvements that have led to increased efficiencies. She is a proven leader in the workplace, which results from her hard work ethic and personable disposition.

Representative Experience

  • Responsible for facilitating the process of onboarding & offboarding all employees including benefits administration, payroll processing, information technology, background screening and time/expense management
  • Developed an internal, electronic HR process that has proven to be more efficient by utilizing and streamlining groups cross functionally
  • Responsible for management, organization and entry of the company’s Financial Planning & Analysis
  • Collaborates and works directly with management to assist with projects relating to firm-wide initiatives and internal projects within marketing, information technology, employee management and internal processes
  • Identifies cost savings by renegotiating and auditing of contracts
  • Manages and executes ongoing company website revisions and additions
  • Redesigned and implemented a rebrand for the company and all internal marketing materials
  • Management of all employee computer equipment, in-office systems as well as office management functions
  • Project Management for a company office move including all internal logistics; Information Technology Infrastructure, Technology/Office Equipment, Furniture, Supplies
  • Developed and conducted training for users at a large public utility within Scheduling and Accounting. Assisted on the implementation and upgrade of TriplePoint CommodityXL